There are many ways to design a good trade show display. In fact, every sector, and also have different requirements of each convention on quality, besides the usual criteria. These features are something to be learned over time, but the basic skills of design of the stand need not be. By learning, we must avoid, each designed to avoid common pitfalls and enjoy the income fromStart.
Mistake # 1: too much text
People do not like reading text on a wall. They want to communicate with them only with images instead of relying on words. There is no particular rule of thumb that must be respected, but most designers try to keep the field 60% of exhibition space is used to show pictures of text and graphics, and not more than 40%. Many have less words and more shootingSpaces.
How not to design a trade show display: the mistakes to avoid, it must be
Mistake # 2: Crammed fair display
Like the previous touched, exhibit space is a very essential element. It need not be white (can be colored, or maybe even a decline), but the negative space with no text or images is really crucial. If you have an empty space, it is easier to understand what you are trying to emphasize. There is a pause for the eyes of visitors, butas a constant stream of images and words. No spaces, it is easy for people to overcome, and may in fact be driven to your booth.
Mistake # 3: The lack of literature
Try not to present all the information you want visitors to see the show itself. It may seem counterintuitive, but also to convey something is an advantage. Many designers believe that this tract just end up in the trash, with nocare for them. The truth could not be more different. Many visitors are specifically collect flyers and other information of each unit, they see, they put together a folder to a control on a later date. Once back at the hotel or return to their companies, they are able to be received no recall in detail, because it is literature.
Mistake # 4: Cast your listing
With the rightto respond to the number of people available for questions and passed out literature is essential. While the staff is not directly part of the project is an extension, and almost always overcome a barrier to first time exhibitors. The staff is perfect for many things, including how much space you have, the number of visitors expected, and if it will actually depend on Congress or not to sell. The more goods you need to track moreThe staff is necessary. At the same time, the smaller your space, fewer people should be used. It is a balancing act, and I thought it out ahead of time goes a long way around to the right.
Mistake # 5: When overwhelmed by the task
Preparation and awareness, there is no need to be overcome by demonstrating the design of a trade. Remember, everything you think ahead and avoid the pitfalls referred to. If you do not have major concerns,Do not hesitate to consult a specialist. With effort and experience, you will soon be an expert as well.
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